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Privacy Policy

HomePrivacy Policy


FlagsAndMore, is a division of BrandArise (PTY) LTD, Registration No: 2022/734929/07, and aims to ensure that your Private Information is processed fairly and lawful according to the Protection Information Act (referred to as POPI.)


BrandArise (PTY) LTD respects your privacy and we will do our best to protect it and maintain your trust in us. This Privacy Policy describes how we process your Personal Information , which you and other donators, supporters, partners, volunteers and others who express interest in our work, provided to us, or which we collected in any way you engaged with us, /or in  person, or by  accessing our website.






Please check our Website periodically for changes as we may revise and amend and update our Privacy Policy, terms  and conditions, without giving notice. The revised policy will be posted on our Website. It is your duty to be aware of any updates  on the Privacy Policy and to stay aware of such updates.


If  there is any part of this Privacy Policy that concerns you as it relates to your Personal Information,  please then cease  to engage with  us in any way , and stop using our Website,, immediately. If you continue to browse or provide us with your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy or a subsequent revised Private Police which may override this policy , you  consent to these terms and conditions and this authorises your agreement to observe this Privacy Policy, including any revisions hereof. The date indicated in the heading of this Privacy Policy , is the effective date governs the browsing and use of this Privacy Policy from that date until the next revision of this Privacy Policy becomes effective.


This Privacy Policy applies  to all devices you use to access our Website or to engage to us, including internet-connected mobile devices and tablets.(Access Device.)


When visiting our Website , you are under no obligation to reveal who you are or give us any Personal Information.


By visiting and using our website, you acknowledge  and consent that all personal information obtained by us , may be stored, processed and used according to our Privacy Policy and the POPI ACT, and to  the extend of  storing personal information necessary to comply for which its intended to and comply with any legal matters  that may occur.


When visiting our Website or access the website  through a mobile advice (usage data),  personal information may be collected and processed, but is not limited to, such as technical information, statical information, identity information, your log-in data, profile and usage information, location and communications information, any other information you permits us from time to time when making an inquiry on this website ( i. e. your personal information like your name, surname, logo of your company or organisation, city, country, province, telephone number and e-mail address), mailing preference, on the website the number of visits, the pages visited and time spent on those pages, certain cookies, which website/ links you came from before clicking onto the website (URL),  the amount and order of content you viewed and time spent on the specific content, the key words used to find our website, information such as your computers  IP  ( Internet Protocol address ),  the browser type and version of your web browser , language, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data, the address of your mobile device,  time zone settings and location, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile internet browser you use, operating platform and other technologies on the devises  you use to access our Website. We may also process geographical information  from your access advice which is basically based on the GPS or IP. Photographs, video clips and CCTV  images may be captured and used.





Cookies  are files with a   small amount of  data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier  (alphanumeric identifiers). Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device .When you visit the website again, the cookie allows the site to recognise your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information  like the pages you view, the links you click  and others. The information can later be read by a webserver  in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookies can not be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.  You have the ability to accept cookies, but you can usually modify your  browser to decline  or disable cookies if preferred. Other tracking technologies are also used such as beacons, tags and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyse our service.



Personal Information:


Processing (meaning corresponding).


BrandArise (PTY) LTD will only process Personal Information  for the purpose that it has been collected for, and for no other purpose. Under no circumstances will your private Information be sold  or shared  , or otherwise exchanged,  rented out  or required from/to other sources for market purposes. It may be shared related to legal matters , if necessary.


By submitting your Personal Information to us, you agree to the transfer, processing and storing of your Personal Information.


With your personal information we are required to keep details of when and how contact was established with you.


In order to comply to the Covid -19 regulations and protocols when accessing where BrandArise (PTY) LTD is situated, we may process personal information relating to your health as part of our screening processes, identification and health purposes.


We may collect personal information about you through CCTV cameras installed on our premises for safety and security reasons.


If and when you provide us with your Personal Information,   that information will be processed and stored  with your consent  and according to our Privacy Policy and the POPI ACT .It will only be used for  the purpose it was collected for  and to ensure that our records are up to date , for financial activity and if necessary for legal matters. Communication to us through social media platforms  and others may themselves collect your Personal Information for their own purposes.


We assume that if you  give/submit to us your personal information in any way, that you agree, consent for us to hold and process your Personal Information.


For employees, volunteers and anyone who has entered into a contract with BrandArise (PTY) LTD , the lawful basis for holding and processing data will be under contract.


BrandArise (PTY) LTD can and will not be held accountable for the information Third Parties process, as their Privacy Policies are  independent from ours and the information we process.

We will only  process your Personal Information by way of your consent  and we will not intentionally disclose  your Personal Information only with your permission, as permitted by  applicable law  or in the matter as set out  in this Privacy Policy.


Your Personal Information will  also be used as follows and you give permission for us to share your Personal Information  also under the following circumstances:


To comply with covid -19 regulations and protocol,


To comply with legal matters that may occur.


So that we can monitor web traffic, web servers serving the Website – used for internal view and statistical purposes to measure interest on and improve  the Website.


To  keep, process and ensure our client and employee records are correct and up to date..


To personalize your visit and use of the internet services and electronic e-mail .


To establish and verify your identity on the Website.


To operate, develop, monitor, analyse , administer, secure, and improve our  Website and performance and functionality, usage, generate website access statistics of the Website .


To detect, prevent, investigate attacks of our website, technical issues, fraud,  security breaches or the abuse , misuse or unauthorized use of our systems and files of this he Website and/or contraventions of this Privacy Policy .


For administrative and security reasons, and legal matters  and to legal authorities  where legal matters may occur.


For client communication/ processing., keeping client records.


For financial and other administrative records  , donation receipts, to Government authorities or other Authorities where necessary.


Storage  and transfer of your Personal Information, storage also on hard copies in our office.


To our employees ,auditors, accountants, SARS, technical support and other support services relating to the website or the operation of BrandArise (PTY) LTD, admin staff.


To the Information Regulator upon request.


For safety  and security reasons.


To  protect our rights, property or safety employees and any other third party.


The premises of third party service providers such as document storage service providers.


To our servers ; or servers of our third party service providers , such as IT systems or hosting service providers. At times our service providers may need to transfer to and / or store Personal Information on servers in a jurisdiction other when where it was collected  outside of South- Africa) and we hereby notify you that such jurisdiction may not have comparable data protection legislation. BrandArise (PTY) LTD can not be held responsibility for their Privacy policies.


Protection/security of your Private Information:


The accuracy and security of your personal information is important to us .We take reasonable steps to ensure that your data is processed and stored securely in accordance with this policy.


Our website  has a SSL certificate regarding security. It is a type of digital certificate that provides authentication for the website and enables an encrypted connection .


Word fence security is used for our Website. Windows security is in place on our computers.


Appropriate back-up and disaster recovery solutions is in place.


We use modern software that is up to date .We use McAfee antivirus security software and Identity Protection.


We are continuously implementing and updating administrative, technical, and physical security to help protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration.


We   review our storage , information collection, and processing practises and security measures often and make improvements where needed.


All paper- based  personal Information is kept  in a secure manner.


Access to Personal data shall be limited to authorized personnel who need access and appropriate security measures  will be in place to avoid unauthorized sharing of information.


When personal data is deleted, it will be done  so that such data is irrecoverable.


We have a back-up system of your information and a back-up disaster recovery system.


Your Personal Information is stored  safely as physical  and electronical files only accessible when needed by the administrative staff. Our staff knows the importance of keeping your information safe and are required to follow privacy and security policies and are giving training to do so. Unauthorized sharing of information will be avoided.


Despite measures being taken when processing Personal Information,  you accept and acknowledge in this clause that technology is not absolutely secure and there is a risk that your Personal Information may not be 100 % secure and safe. Even though we attempt to ensure that your information is as safe as possible, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you submit via the internet and you do so at your own risk.





We will notify you  and the regulatory authorities of breaches or suspected breaches of security leading to the unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to , personal data which BrandArise (PTY) LTD is legally required to do so and within the period in which such notification is necessary.


Please notify us if your Personal Information has changed or is incorrect , so that we can update it. Please ensure that your Personal Information is updated.





We may keep your personal Information for as long as you continue to communicate with us, access our Website or until you contact us and ask us to destroy and delete it , or you agree to us to retain it for a specified period further period .Aside from this clause  and many other clauses in this Privacy Policy, we may retain and process some or all of your Personal Information if and for as long as it is required and needed for lawful purposes that are not yet time-barred.(If were required and permitted by law).We will always comply with applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other requirements as they pertain to the retention of Personal Information. Personal Information will not be retained for any longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose that it was collected for( subject to any document retention periods prescribed by law. )



Third Parties:


We will get your permission before disclosing your Personal Information  to any Third Party for any  other purpose, if we are required to do so by law .This Privacy Policy does not apply to companies that BrandArise (PTY) LTD does not own or to individual that is not under BrandArise (PTY) LTD’s control, and does not apply to the processing of Personal Information by other third parties relating to or by means of other parties websites  ,or through our services , or sites as websites linked to, from or advertised on the website or through our services, or sites which link to or advertise the website and services. Such third party websites have their own Privacy Policies and BrandArise (PTY) LTD  is not responsible for their privacy practises , or for claims, loss or damage arising from these. These Third Party websites may also collect or share your Personal Information, we encourage you to be aware of their privacy practises .Be aware when you leave our site and to take reasonable precautions when sharing your Personal Information on third party websites . We have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by these third party sites. We do not  disclose , share or request information about you or your business from/ or to Third Parties and if necessary, we will ask your permission first. We will not intentionally give out your personal information  to anyone. However, we might have to disclose Personal Information in limited circumstances for legal purposes, auditors and accountants, SARS,  and other authorities, third parties  like  our I service providers.


BrandArise (PTY) LTD will not be liable for any , loss,  damage and claim arising from any unauthorised access, dissemination, disclosure, misuse, loss, alteration or destruction of your personal Information by a Third Party.



Your Rights:


The right to be informed.


The right to access.


The right rectification.


The right to restrict processing.


The right to data portability.


The right to object.


Rights to automated decision making and profiling.


The right to complain.


You may request that your Personal Information must be corrected, updated , erased/deleted. However, we may be legally required to continue to hold your personal details, even if requested by yourself , or someone acting on your behalf, to have them removed .In this case we will explain  as far as possible what personal information we must continue to hold. (Please note that we may ask to verify your identity before responding to such requests.)


Withdraw previous consent of processing of your Personal Information at any time, on condition it does not affect the processing of your Personal Information if the processing is in compliance with   the obligation imposed by law on us for any legal matters.


You may object to the use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes .


You may object to the processing of your personal information being processed in certain circumstances.


To be notified if an unauthorized person has acquired access to your personal information.


You may block all cookies, by setting your browser to do so, including cookies associated with our services or to indicate when a cookie is sent by us.



Direct Marketing: 


BrandArise (PTY) LTD process Personal Information for the purpose of direct marketing by way of telemarketing and electronic communication e-mail. You are not obligated to provide us with your Personal Information through direct marketing. We will obtain  your permission /consent for Direct marketing through  electronical communications- email,  telephonically  and other  mobile advises, or per text. Consent is ongoing   while you engage with us in any way and until you withdraw your consent for direct marketing  at any time.


When you complete the subscription form on our website, you agree to receive marketing communication from us. You can refuse to accept , require us to discontinue or block any approach or communication from us if that approach or communication is primarily for the purpose of direct marketing. You may opt out of receiving direct marketing communication from us at any time by requesting us to stop it immediately.



Information Officer:


The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and Section 51 (1) (B) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 ( PAIA), prescribes the appointment of an Information Officer. The Information  oversees  functions and responsibilities of a body in terms of Section 55 of the Protection of Personal Information Act.


hBrandArise (PTY) LTD has appointed an  Information Officer who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to the Privacy Policy .You may our Information Officer to discuss concerns that you might have (re your Personal Information according to the POPI ACT.


Contact details: Rico Verhoef


Rico Verhoef

083 225 0967
